Forgiveness, what do feelings have to do with it?

I do not think you can truly forgive until you understand the concept of forgiveness. This is something as Christians we are called to do but to be honest it can be one of the hardest things to do. However even if you are not a Christian choosing to forgive will you peace of mind.

Notice I said “choose”. That is because to forgive is a matter of will and choice not of the heart. When we choose to forgive feelings have nothing to do with it. We can choose to move forward in life hanging on to hurt, anger, hate and unforgiveness or If we choose to forgive the harm committed against us, it loses its power over us. The bitter feelings of anger, hatred, hostility and resentment leave us. These negative feelings are replaced with increased physical, and mental health and the wall around our hearts comes to come down. Further, we free ourselves from this unhealthy and unholy bondage to another person.

Please understand forgiveness:

– does not mean to condone hurtful behavior.

-It does not mean that our pain does not matter.

-It does not mean that everything is ok.

-It does mean that | will allow ill will to continue.

-It does not mean that | should stay in an abusive relationship. or situation.

Forgiveness is a free will action that prompted by grace, allows us to heal and to free us from the consequences of bondage and sin. You may want to pray for the desire to pray do this. Looking up Scripture verses on forgiveness and/or Praying the Our father can also help.

Jesus gave this prayer to us and it calls  us to ask to be forgiven and for us to forgive others.

“ forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass against us.”  

Matthew 18:18 “Truly | say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosened in heaven.”

This is the first day of the rest of your life and you can start right now to choose a better self and a great life! 

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